Not so long ago, I purchased an Omega juicer to make green juice. In the next few posts I will talk about my juicing journey, why I started and how I chose my juicer. When I shop for greens for juicing, I pick up what I can find easily in the organic aisle, whatever is
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31 October, 2013
Indian mango pickle without oil (Vendhaya manga)

This is a very simple and delicious mango pickle made with simple spices. “Venthaya manga” is a traditional south-Indian side dish that goes well with yogurt. Made this way, it has no oil and is delightfully fragrant with fenugreek and asafoetida. I make a fresh batch of this every two weeks and it lasts 5-7
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31 October, 2013
Herbilicious Pasta

This is a pasta recipe using my favorite herbs- mint and coriander. The homemade pasta sauce is wholesome and delicious. This recipe is suitable for vegans since it tastes good without cheese. The addition of nuts adds a great texture. Ingredients: whole wheat penne/rotini pasta- 1 cup fresh mint leaves- 1 bunch fresh coriander
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29 October, 2013
chia seeds in cereal

Chia seeds have been used in ancient civilizations like the Mayan in south America, now considered a Superfood. They are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and are easily digestible and can control blood sugar. Chia seeds when mixed with water (hot or cold) and allowed to stand for a few minutes, form
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24 October, 2013
flax seed powder in curries
We all hear about omega-3’s and one of the best sources is flax seed. It’s also a good fiber source. Here’s more information from a packet of Bob’s Red Mill Flaxseed Meal: Harmful LDL drops and beneficial HDL stays put or even improves. Flaxseed has high levels of antioxidants called lignans. Lignans bind to circulating
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24 October, 2013
Urad dal with skin
Batter for idly and dosa can be made using urad dal with skin (chilka). This is a more whole form, with insoluble fiber. Soaking has to be done for a longer duration- about 12 h or as long as the idly rice is soaked. This will not make pure white idlies, but there is no
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23 October, 2013
Finger-millet chocolate cookies

Few ingredients taste delicious with finger millet as well as cocoa powder. Here is a recipe for healthy ragi cookies with whole ingredients. Makes a popular snack for kids. Ingredients: Ragi (finger-millet) flour- 1 cup Whole wheat pastry flour- 1/2 cup cocoa powder (unsweetened)- 2 tbsp. baking powder- 1/2 tsp. baking soda- 1/4 tsp. butter-
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22 October, 2013
coriander-mint brown rice
This is a wonderful sattvik recipe that makes brown rice taste delicious. I got this idea of using fresh coriander-mint paste from my co-sister. This is my version of it: Ingredients: fresh coriander- 2 bunches fresh mint- 1 bunch green chilies- 2-3 tomato- 2 frozen green peas- a handful asafoetida (powder)- a pinch mustard seeds-
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20 October, 2013
Brown Rice for Everyday Meals

Switching from white rice to whole rice or brown rice is one of the most fundamental changes that can be made in a diet that is rice-based. Brown rice contains both the bran and germ in addition to the endosperm part of the grain. It is more nutritious than white rice. Since it is
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13 October, 2013
My inspiration to start a blog
Hi, out there! Welcome to my little space on the web. I am new to the blogging world, and never imagined that I would have a blog. Have always wondered how people discover a new passion and start to write one. Anyway, about a year ago I got inspired by documentaries such as Food Matters,
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