18 May, 2016
15 Ways to Eat Better For Healthy Living- Guest Post by Katleen Brown

Here is the first guest post in my blog!!!I have been wanting to invite bloggers to write a guest post in my space for a some time now. Any article related to food (healthy, gluten free and vegetarian) or healthy living are welcome! Please contact me to publish your guest post.So, when Katleen reached out to me I was more than happy to post her article here. Katleen blogs at Arthritis Pain Guide. I know, what a focused title for a blog, right? There is a lot of good information in there, do check it out!
Meet Katleen!
Katleen Brown is a health, beauty and fitness writer. She loves to publish her articles onvarious health related websites. Look at these awesome articles. I was blown away by the content!http://www.lifehack.org/311932/15-delicious-and-healthy-protein-shakes-recipes-try/
In her spare time, she likes to do research to bring awareness. (Just like me!)Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and outlook, she helps empower women to tune intotheir innate & inner wisdom to transform their health and truly flourish. Get in touch with heron:Pinterest andSo here is her article, with some very practical tips:15 Easy ways to eat better for healthy living
The concept of healthy living is a matter of interest for more and more people. As we becomemore reliant on technology and we immerse ourselves in a multitude of difficulties, eatingbetter seems to have become a genuine challenge. In an effort to come to your rescue, wehave gathered 15 easy ways to eat better for healthy living. Enjoy your read and do nothesitate to share this article with your friends and family members.#1 More fruits and vegetablesEven though it might sound like the obvious thing to do, you need to eat more fresh fruits andveggies. Always remember the food pyramid and make an effort to have a piece of fruit andat least one vegetable with each meal. Go for the ones that are in season, as these are also theone that are the freshest.#2 Watch out for liquid caloriesA single glass of soda has no less than six teaspoons of sugar. This is actually a caloric bomb,causing your blood sugar to skyrocket. The same goes for fruit smoothies, as these are packedwith calories as well. Stick with water and make sure that you drink at least eight glasses perday.#3 SuperfoodsSuperfoods can make all the difference in the world, boosting your immune system andprotecting you against various forms of cancer. According to a specialized joint healthmagazine, they can also reduce inflammation, thus protecting the joints from chronic disease.Recommended superfoods include blueberries, broccoli and wild salmon.#4 FiberBy increasing your daily fiber intake, you will actually obtain the satiety sensation in ashorter period of time. Moreover, by consuming the recommended amount of fiber each day,you are actually protecting your GI tract against cancer.#5 Natural foodIt might sound like something strange to say but, given the fact that we live in the world ofover-processed food, finding something natural to eat is a challenge. Always strive to eat foodthat has not been processed, coming from earth and not from a factory.#6 Sodium contentWhile frozen meals might be a choice for a busy person, this does not mean that they arehealthy as well. According to Glozine health news, these meals have an incredibly highsodium content, increasing the risk of high blood pressure. Give them up for your own good.#7 No sweets as snacksIf you are going to have a snack, then you at least need to make sure it is healthy. You canprepare a delicious snack out of carrot or celery sticks; as an alternative, you can consume apiece of fruits. Avoid donuts, chocolate bars and other snacks that might seem enticing butthey will actually wreak havoc on your health.#8 Plate sizeIf you are looking to cut back, all you have to do is use a smaller plate. In this way, it willseem like you have a lot to eat, even though your quantity of food is actually reduced.#9 Monounsaturated fatsNot all fats are harmful for you and, according to specialists in the field, monounsaturatedfats are quite beneficial. These fats are found not only in extra-virgin olive oil but also inwalnuts and avocados. They can lower the level of bad cholesterol, while increasing HDL(the good cholesterol).#10 Sweet toothIf you feel the need for something sweet, go with a piece of fruit. This is a simple way tosatisfy your sweet tooth, without actually eating generous amount of refined products (cakeand other sweets). However, watch out for the quantity of fruits you are eating, as these arerich in sugar as well.#11 Meal scheduleThe three-meal schedule is a perfect idea, as it will help keep your blood sugar at a stablelevel and reduce the risk of unhealthy cravings. You can also have two snacks in-between themeals, as long as these are healthy.#12 Multivitamin supplementsMultivitamin supplements can boost your overall health, correcting any nutritionaldeficiencies you might experience. However, before taking any supplement, get yourself acomplete blood panel (see the exact deficiencies, if any).#13 Size mattersNot only does the size of the plate count but also the food that is on it. For anything thatincludes carbs, do not place more than a fist (size wise). Proteins, such as meat, can representthe size of two palms. Fruits should occupy the size of a tennis ball, while veggies the size ofa fist as well.#14 Meal planningIf you will plan your meals ahead, you will actually eat healthier. Take your time to considerthe entire week, shopping for the ingredients you need. Once you have your meals planned, itwill be easier to eat healthy food and avoid junk or fast food.#15 Eat slowlyNo matter how hungry you might appear to be, you have to pace yourself. Allow yourself theluxury to chew your food properly and try sipping water between bites (this will facilitatedigestion).These are a few simple ways to eat better and enjoy healthy living. Always remember that weeat to live and not the other way around. Stay healthy and follow our advice for a good stateof health.