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9 December, 2014

Book Review: The End of Dieting

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Whenever I get to read a really good book on food and nutrition, I write a review of it. Recently I found Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s “The End of Dieting” in the New Books section in my library. This book has made a great impression on me, and answered some questions I had in my mind for a long time.

Dr. Furhman explains in detail the phenomenon of “Toxic Hunger” that haunts anyone who starts a diet. He exposes diet myths that advocate the high-protein and low-carb diet regimen, including the Paleo and the Wheat Belly diet. He even points out how the low-fat, vegan diet that was popular at one time has been detrimental in some people. The central idea is to focus on micro-nutrients and eating nutrient rich foods, rather than counting calories.

While pointing out flaws in the “Standard American Diet” or SAD, this book explains in simple language, the working of hormones insulin, leptin and IGF-1. The insulin growth factor hormone (IGF-1) that promotes the growth of cancer is elevated by consuming animal protein, milk, refined carbohydrates, and even isolated soy protein (!!!). With clear tables, we learn about the foods that fight fat, about glycemic load of different grains, etc.

His Nutritarian Lifestyle relies on “G-BOMBS” that stands for Greens, Beans, Onion, Mushroom, Berries and Seeds. He does emphasize too that even with a whole food plant-based lifestyle, supplements of vitamins B-12 & D, long chain omega-3 fatty acids and iodine may be necessary.

I especially like his “Twelve Helpful Tips” for designing everyday meals with simple advice on enhancing flavors of plant foods. There are charts of steaming times of vegetables, recommended soups and salad dressings available out there (including his own). There are about 80 pages of recipes including innovative dressing ideas and simple desserts. There is also a quick version of his famous “anti-cancer” soup.

It is filled with facts and is complete with references from research like the Physician’s Health Study, the Nurses’ Health Study etc. There are also testimonials from some of his patients who were able to lose excess weight and regain their health.

A must read for anyone who has been interested in any kind of (weight-loss) diet, or just wants to learn about improving health!

Image source: http://www.drfuhrman.com/shop/End_of_Dieting.aspx


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